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Trustee Board

President, Vice President, 3x Student Trustees, 2x External (Lay) Trustees.


Student Council (Elected Officers)

Sabbatical Officers: President & Vice President.

Academia: Academic Officer (BRC), Academic Officer (BOC) - both of whom will represent Undergrad & Degree Apprentice Students, Academic Officer (Postgrad) - to be elected in Semester 1. 

Activities: Activities Officer

Inclusion: Ethnic Minorities Officer, LGBTQ+ Officer, Disabilities Officer, International Officer. 

Other: Chair of Student Council, Sustainability Officer, Open Portfolio Officer - to be elected in Semester 1


Standing Committees

Operations: President (Chair), Vice President, Chair of Student Council, 1x Student Trustee, 1x other Officer, 3x SU Senior Staff *

Academic: Vice President (Chair), 3x Academic Officers, 1x Other Officer, 2x Student Voices, President, SU General Manager *

Activities: President (Chair), Activities Officer, Ethnic Minorities Officer, Competitive Sport Rep, Societies Rep, Events Rep, SU Staff*

Health & Safety: President (Chair), Vice President, General Manager, Commercial Services Manager & Rep, H&S Officer, UoC H&S Officer


*Additional student reps maybe invited to sub committees and working groups where appropriate to ensure our diverse student community is fully represented and considered in all aspects of University life.

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