Let us know what is on your mind, positive, negative, constructive… we’d love to hear it all. 

Your stories, suggestions, and scrutiny allow us to continually improve your life at the University of Chichester.

You might wish to share views about your:

  • Accommodation
  • Students’ Union
  • Local area
  • Lectures
  • Library

Or something else entirely. We only ask that you offer as much detail as possible.

Complete our form and share your feedback

The form should only take 5 to 10 minutes to complete and your feedback will help us imporve student experience here at Chichester. 

Your feedback will be:

  • Shared on a strictly anonymous basis, unless you state you would like to be contacted by the relevant Director/Head of department
  • Stored securely on the Microsoft 365 application suite
  • Retained for 3 years.