You may be dissatisfied with your course, or another part of University life. Either way, there is a process to allow your concern to be heard.

There are two types of complaint:

  • Informal complaints
  • Formal complaints

You are expected to raise an informal complaint in the first instance. This will help resolve your complaint sooner. Rest assured, your students’ union is here to support you.

Making a complaint

The student handbook complaints procedure outlines:

  • Who to approach
  • How to approach them
  • When to approach them
  • What to record and present as evidence
  • How your complaint will be investigated
  • What you can do if you are unhappy with the outcome.

 Access the student handbook complaints procedure

Support with your complaint

Feeling worried about making your complaint? Your students’ union will support you throughout. We can:

  • Provide advice before you make your complaint
  • Answer your questions about the complaints process
  • Attend meetings with you during the complaint process
  • Introduce you to your Student Rep - they might be able to raise or resolve your complaint on your behalf.

You can contact your elected officers, or our skilled staff team, for guidance.


Complaining about your students’ union

You might have a complaint about us, instead of the University. We take these very seriously. As one of our members, we want to make sure you are having the best possible experience whilst at University.

Please contact us directly, and your complaint will be handled by our dedicated staff team.

Contact us