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Welcome to the UCSC Shakespeare Society


At the Shakespeare society our goal is to share our passion for Shakespearian works while also making them feel more accessible.


We know that Shakespeare can sometimes feel stuffy and boring, with language that makes it feel completely inaccessible;  we love Shakespeare, we think it’s funny, and heartbreaking and compelling and want to share this with all of you.  Shakespeare’s plays originated as entertainment that everyone could enjoy and we feel like there have been barriers put in place over the last few centuries that make regular people feel like they can’t enjoy it anymore.


There is no hierarchy to enjoying Shakespeare and with our weekly workshops where we discuss our favourite plays, make sense of the language, enjoy the jokes in context and discuss how we would stage these plays and play these characters. We hope we can spread the way we love Shakespeare to everyone regardless of their initial interest level.  


So if you love Shakespeare the way we do, or at least want to, come and join us every Friday, at [decided time] in [allocated room].