About Us

The pole dance society is a place where everyone is welcome, no matter of ability, ethnicity or gender. We aim to create a safe space for people who are trying out a new sport or revisiting something they love. Over this last year we have had a great group of people actively participating in our workshops and socials, and this year we want to grow this even further. From our workshops which include body conditioning and stretching to twerkshop’s and floor work, our goal is to make you  feel confident and comfortable in not only our workshops but also our social events too. Our goal is to try and educate people on what pole dance really consists off; because although there is a stigma around pole dance, there is more to it than the ‘stereotypes’. 


Pole dance is more than just feeling amazing and confident when you are able to get a new move but it also allows us to look at exercise in a completely new way - the strength it builds is far better than anything at the gym. As a society we have a lot of new and exciting ideas which we hope to put in place this year, so watch this space!


Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/groups/1336580646501746/?ref=group_browse

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ucsupoledance/?hl=en