About Us

The University of Chichester Swim Team prides itself on being a team for all, offering training for swimmers of all abilities. Whether you’re a competitive swimmer or have been in the past, swim for fitness or just a bit of fun, we’d love you to join our team. We offer two pool training sessions (one in Chichester and one in Bognor) as well as a land training session each week.

Each year we offer some of our competitive and fitness swimmers the opportunity to travel to Sheffield to compete in 3 separate BUCS (British Universities and College Sport) competitions. These swimmers are selected based on attendance and effort. We also offer the whole team the opportunity to compete in our annual Varsity competition against Winchester, a great day full of team spirit. This year we have also entered BUSL (British University Swimming League). We are excited to have our swimmers compete with a range of universities in a friendly and competitive environment.

Although we don’t set out to be the best university team in the country, we will always put in 100% at competitions and training to improve our swimming skills throughout the year. We also have a huge social aspect attending WSIHE with different themes and doing socials together with games, just like a lot of the other teams at uni. We also offer ‘sober socials’, the perfect opportunity to spend time with the team outside of the university environment. Joining a sports team like swimming will make your university experience better than you could imagine. You will form friendships that will last years, as members of the team become your second family.

Competitive swimmers are asked to attend the majority of sessions, particularly swim sessions. Fitness swimmers should also attempt to attend as many sessions as possible, as the benefits of swimming are countless.

If you are interested in joining the team, and have kit at home such as kick boards, pull buoys, fins, and paddles, please bring these with you. If not, don’t worry, we will source you the equipment if and when it is needed.

For more information and to contact us follow our Instagram: @ucsu_swimteam and Tik Tok: @ucsuswimteam.

Last year I really enjoyed being president of the swim team as we had a lovely team that worked together in encouraging and supporting one another. I really enjoyed watching the team come together as a family through Wednesday socials and swim training. My favourite time during the past three years was competing in Sheffield and going on tour as you really get to know one another, create memories, and feel like a small community. After three years I hope to return for my fourth year and see where this team will go and what they will achieve. (Former President - Chloe Zara).

My first year joining the swim team was an enjoyable and welcoming experience. It allowed me to meet a range of new people, as well as compete in new environments such as BUCS in Sheffield and Varsity. I enjoyed attending socials and interacting with other teams playing fun games with different themes each week. As president next year, I would like to get to know everyone, keep motivating swimmers throughout sessions and build the team up to compete in the new British University Swimming league we have entered. (President 23/24 - Charlotte Howe).

Joining the swim team in first year really helped me settle into uni lifestyle. I formed many friendships and looked forward to all the training sessions and Wednesday socials, these were a nice way to get to know everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed my first competitions and all the support given by the team. I can’t wait to see where the team goes this year! (Vice President 23/24 – Keira Narraway).