About Us

Racquets is a well-known and growing club and currently includes 4 BUCS teams and social memberships for 3 sports welcoming players of any ability to train in a friendly and dedicated environment.

Racquets is a fun society in which you can participate in badminton, tennis and table tennis. There is opportunities to play both socially and competitively, which means any level, from beginners to advanced, can come and join our society. Those that play competitively will become apart of BUCs and play on Wednesdays, in which you will play both home and away against other universities. 


As a racquets member, you will also be able to join our socials. These are held on Wednesdays after matches. Socials will include games, and dressing up to the weekly social theme! This is a great way to meet the members and make new friends. 


We do have some spare equipment available, however it is limited so we ask that you bring your own racquets to the sessions.