About Us

Welcome to the best experience you will have at your time here at the University of Chichester. If you, like us, love chasing the illusive egg, the rugby club is for you. Players of any ability are welcome to train and play in the friendly and dedicated environment


This year we have one competitive team. We train on a Tuesdays and Fridays and play on Wednesday afternoon in the South East BUCS league. This year we are looking to grow and field a social second team for less experienced players who are looking for a run out.

Again, this year we are employing the services of Andy Turner, a recognised coach with a vast experience over many seasons. Andy has helped us improve as a team and develop our individual ability, including inexperienced players. With Andy’s help we consistently finish in the top half of the league and have won Varsity for the last two seasons.

Alongside this we also have a strong link with Chichester Rugby club who put out 3 sides of varying ability each Saturday. If it happens you don’t play on the Wednesday for University there will without doubt be a game for you at the weekend with Chichester.

The weekly socials we run are the most welcoming, inclusive and entertaining on campus; a title we are pleased to hold! We regularly have requests from other societies to join with us!

We will encourage you to throw yourself into the social side as much as possible at the start of the year as it really helps team moral and cohesion on the pitch! This is a great way to get to know people across University life.

We also organise charity fundraisers and events throughout the year. If you’ve always wanted to grow a moustache, or wear a pink dress, this is the society for you!


If you are looking to play competitively, socially or just want to join a society for fun, the Rugby Club is the team for you!