Varsity is coming. Chichester vs Winchester. This is our superbowl, our olympics, our end-of-game boss level.
Suit up. Lace up. Limber up. Every year, we challenge our rivals (and friends) at the University of Winchester to a tournament of over 20 different sports and activities. Rugby, dance, netball, e-games… we compete in a wide range of competitions in pursuit of the prestigious Varsity Trophy. Some years we win. Some years they win. But winning is a bonus. Mostly, this is a fun, feel-good finale to your year. And your varsity team needs you.

Your varsity team
Your varsity team is known as the WISHE Rangers. WISHE (pronounced “wishy”) is a former name for the University of Chichester. It stood for the West Sussex Institute of Education. Our colours are blue and yellow. On varsity day, you will see those colours everywhere: kits, posters, face paint. It’s a blue and yellow campus takeover. You’ll love it.

Cheer your varsity team
A team is only as strong as their supporters. You don’t have to play to be part of your varsity team. We need you to chant, cheer, and champion your WISHE Rangers. Dress in your finest blue and yellow. Paint and parade your banners. Show up, shout up, and lift up your players as they take on Winchester. Together, and only together, can we bring home that trophy.