Whatever your challenge, we are here to help you at every step. You will find highly trained, experienced, and friendly staff across the University who are here to support you.

You might need help with:

  • Academic study
  • Staying fit and healthy
  • Getting settled in first year
  • Managing your money and finances
  • Caring for your mental health
  • Finding a quality place to live
  • Staying safe in the city.

We work closely with the University’s Student Support and Wellbeing Team, and other departments. Together, we can offer you expertise, experience, and specialist services to steer you through your troubles.


Please note The Wellbeing Service is not able to provide crisis support.


For an immediate emergency requiring the Police, Ambulance or Fire Service, dial 999

  • We strongly advise you dialing 999 in all cases of overdosing, even if you do not feel unwell; delaying help can be fatal.


For on-campus first aid and security, call 01243 816363


For urgent mental health advice and support you can:

  • Contact your GP for an urgent appointment
  • Call the 24/7 Sussex Mental Health Line on 0300 5000 101 (24 hours)
  • 24/7 Crisis messenger text service: text 'SHOUT' to 85258
  • Attend your nearest A&E department for an urgent assessment
  • Contact the Samaritans on 116 123 (24 hours)
  • The Mix (Essential support for under 25s) - 1:1 webchat support between 4pm and 11pm