You might have an impairment, mental health condition, or learning difference. Or you might become a disabled student - permanently or temporarily - during your time at University. The SU and the University Student Support and Wellbeing team are here to support you.

Support for disabled students

You can access a variety of disability support services at the University.

They can help you with:

  • specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia
  • vision, hearing, and mobility issues
  • autism and Asperger’s syndrome
  • mental health conditions.

Their support includes:

  • learning and exam adjustments
  • adapted and priority accommodation
  • funding support.


Representation for disabled students

You are invited to elect a Disabilities Officer every year.

Your Disabilities Officer will: 

  • represent the views and interests of disabled students
  • hold our officers and trustees to account on disabled student issues
  • attend NUS events to discuss policy related to disabled students
  • campaign to improve the disabled student experience. 

Get to know your Disabilities Officer and their priorities.

Meet your Disabilities Officer 


Understanding disabled students

You might not be disabled yourself, but you may wish to support your course mates and housemates with their own disabilities. 

You can explore these articles to:

Would you like more articles about different disabilities and topics?

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