You can seek individual advice and representation in academic situations specific to you. For instance, you may need our support with:

  • Appealing a mark
  • Disputing an accusation of malpractice
  • Submitting a mitigating circumstances claim
  • Making an informal or formal complaint.

Throughout your University journey you have the full support of elected officers and course specific representatives for all academic issues, including but not limited to individual or course related issues.


Your academic officers

You have three elected officers who represent your academic interests:

  • The Vice-President
  • Academic Officer - Bishop Otter Campus
  • Academic Officer - Bognor Regis Campus.

Together, they will:

  • Meet with senior University staff
  • Attend academic committees, including the Academic Board
  • Undertake and review research into the quality of your education
  • Make recommendations and lobby the University for improvement
  • Develop and propose policy on local and national education issues.

You can contact them to raise any academic issues you are facing.


Your student rep

You are also represented by a student rep.

Student reps will represent you at a course level. You can contact them about any issues or challenges you face on your course.

On occasion, they may escalate the issue to the academic officers above, but often they will resolve the issue themselves by meeting with your academic staff.

Learn more about student reps [LINK]