We will:
- Represent your views to the University
- Campaign on issues important to you
- Help you make lasting friendships
- Offer you new experiences
- Protect your wellbeing
- Develop your skills
- Make you smile.
You automatically become a member of the SU when you begin your studies. Membership is free. It allows you to access our services and societies, campaigns and committees, opportunities and officers.
However, if you wish to opt-out, then we will help you.
The SU is a charitable organisation. It is led by an officer team of current or recent students, elected by you in democratic elections. The officers lead the SU to ensure it has a positive impact on your life.

Below, you will find our vision, mission, and values. These guide everything that we do for you.
Our vision
To build, with the University, the best student community in the UK.
Our mission
To help all students have the best time they can whilst at the University of Chichester.
Our values
- Friendly
- Enthusiastic
- Democratic
- Supportive
- Approachable
- Open-minded