



  1. Welcome & Apologies
  2. Previous All Students’ Meeting (22nd March 2022)
    1. Approval of minutes
  3. Reports
    1. Trustees (Sabbatical Officers) Report
    2. Finance Report
  4. Appointments
    1. Continued Appointment of TC Group as Auditors
    2. Appointment of TC Group & Crowe LLP as Corporation Tax & VAT Advisors
    3. Appointment of Warner Goodman as Legal advisors
  5. Motions
  6. Union affiliations
    1. The SU proposes to remain affiliated to the National Union of Students Charity (NUS Charity)
    2. The SU proposes to remain affiliated to the British Universities and Colleges Sports
    3. The SU proposes to remain affiliated to WonkHE
  7. Any Other Business
  8. Date, time and location of Next Meeting